Flink Szabolcs interjú üzleti internet backup

Life comes to a halt without internet… – there is a solution

A stable and reliable internet service is indispensable for a…
PVSK síház a Misinán Vannet üzleti internettel

PVSK extended the contract for the third time

True champions want always the best. That's probably why Pécs…
lakóautóra és lakókocsira szerelheztő 4G MIFI router

Vannet even during travelling

Our colleagues attended the weekend Travel Exhibition to showcase…
2024 inflációkövető díjemelés

Information about the 2024 inflation-indexed fee adjustment

We inform our esteemed subscribers that unfortunately, this year,…
Bekerült a Vannet a Magyar Asztronautikai Társaság Hazai Űrkörkép kiadványába

We’re on the space panorama

The Hungarian Astronautical Society's publication titled "Domestic…

More than satellite: Vannet in new colors

From time to time, renewal becomes necessary. Our environment…